Blue Angel Hot Tubs & Pools
Call Toll Free (866) 453-0802  or  (850) 456-5252

Contact us today  for all of your Pool, Spa, Tanning Bed, & Sauna needs!





Our HotWind Infrared Saunas

SEK-B Series

Our B-Series is our most popular infrared sauna line.  With features such as ceramic heaters, inside and outside lighting, easy-to-assemble structure, and state-of-the-art control panel, the B-Series is perfect for any home.

Sizes available: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Person, 3-4 Person Corner

Indoor ONLY

SEK-H Series

The H Series is similar to the H-Series, but uses carbon fiber heaters instead of ceramic heaters.

Sizes available: 1, 2, 3, 4,  Person, 3-4 Person Corner

Indoor ONLY

SEK-CK Series

The CK-Series is the next step in infrared sauna luxury.  Featuring a full glass front panel, the CK-Series looks as good as it feels!

Sizes available: 1, 2, 3, 4 Person, 3-4 Person Corner

Indoor ONLY

SEK F-Series

Our F-Series is our outdoor infrared sauna line.  Made from durable Fir construction, and featuring a pitched roof, this sauna is suitable for decks and patios.  A rain cover is included to help protect your sauna from the elements.

Sizes available: 2 and 3 person

SEK-D Series

Our D-Series saunas are full-featured and constructed of Cedar wood.

Sizes available: 1, 2, 3, 4, Person, 3-4 Person Corner

Indoor use ONLY

SEK-E Series



(866) 453-0802